December 11, 2024

Art Below Zero  Step into a magical ice world and marvel at iconic ice artworks.

December 10, 2024

Access to the Centrale Markthal for visitors unable to independently use the pedestrian bridge  The Centrale Markthal Golf Cart: Ensuring 100% accessibility

November 13, 2024

Media Coverage on the new red carpet  

October 10, 2024

From 1 November: the Amsterdam Winter Terrace  A sneak preview...

September 11, 2024

Open Monuments Day CALL  Past in the Central Market Hall

August 14, 2024

OPEN MONUMENTS DAY  The underground city

June 5, 2024

Centrale Markthal location for counting the Amsterdam EU Votes  All votes will be counted on June 7 and 8 - public event!

February 14, 2024

The Centrale Markthal during the Second World War  Jewish market traders and the resistance efforts originating from the Central Market.

February 7, 2024

CAFE 749 – ORKATER  The first festive performance leading up to the 750th anniversary of Amsterdam will be staged at the Central Market Hall.

January 18, 2024

New life for pews from Rotterdam’s Waalse kerk  The beautiful pews from Rotterdam's 'Waalse Kerk' have found a new home in the Centrale Markthal.

December 19, 2023

FAT TIRES RACE  What a fantastic sporty and enjoyable cycling event it was again!

October 31, 2023

FOOTBRIDGE  The Centrale Markthal possibly accessible via a newly built footbridge

October 13, 2023

New rooms available soon!  The east side of the Central Market Hall will soon be available for new creative, culinary, and/or circular users! The Central Market Hall provides space for both starting and established entrepreneurs.

September 1, 2023

AT5 – Central Market Hall mega-operation completed: national monument ready for second life  The restoration of the Centrale Markthal on Jan van Galenstraat is complete. The huge national monument, once the centre of urban food distribution, is now ready to become a place for new initiatives. It will be repurposed as a place for creative, circular and culinary entrepreneurs.

July 20, 2023

‘erfgoedparade’ the discovery of the Centrale Markthal   The 'erfgoedparade' performance has been playing at our Central Market Hall for two weekends now.

July 5, 2023

Become an explorer in the Centrale Markthal this summer!  This summer, come with the family to the 'erfgoedparade', from 8 July you can discover the monumental Centrale Markthal in a special way.

June 23, 2023

‘erfgoedparade’, the discovery of the Centrale Markthal 8 July to 27 August 2023   The performance of the 'heritage parade' in the Centrale Markthal is a total experience.

June 23, 2023

Last weekend of the installation Euphoria | Holland Festival  The last time slots are still on sale for the installation Euphoria on the floor of the Central Market Hall

April 14, 2023

First time slots for ‘Euphoria’ in the Centrale Markthal already sold out.  The first time slots for Euphoria have now sold out.

March 19, 2023

KLM Urban Trail  The start and finish of the first KLM Urban Trail took place on the floor of the Centrale Markthal on March 19th of this year. The approximately 2000 participants followed a beautiful route along and through the landmarks of the West district, where athleticism went hand in hand with the history, architecture, and diverse cultures of this part of the city.

January 17, 2023

Dikke Banden Race – Fat Tire Race – Centrale Markthal  On December 11, 2022, a Fat Tire Race was organized on the floor of the Centrale Markthal in collaboration with Markt Centraal. Cycle Fun Productions was the organizer of this event, one of the many events they organize annually.

October 5, 2022

World Padel Tour in the Centrale Markthal  With the World Padel Tour taking place in the Centrale Markthal last week, the impossible became possible: a national monument transformed into an international sports event. This has not only given a face to the sport of padel in the Netherlands but also to the Centrale Markthal itself.

September 26, 2022

Second life for windowsill tiles in the Centrale Markthal  In the Centrale Markthal, there is a beautiful steel bay window that was heavily affected by corrosion. Due to the expansion of the steel caused by rust, the old blue windowsill tiles were pushed loose, and some of them were damaged as a result.

September 16, 2022

Well-attended Open Monument Day  Open Monument Day was a great success! Over 600 interested individuals visited the Central Market Hall.

August 26, 2022

Open Monumentday 2022   On Sunday, September 11, the Central Market Hall is open to the public! On that day, guided tours will be organized, providing information about the restoration of this Amsterdam icon.

July 18, 2022

Rental Coordinator for the Central Market Hall (18 hours)  The rental process is underway, and it is expected that by the end of 2024, approximately 70 young and established entrepreneurs will rent a space in the Central Market Hall. As the central point of contact for (prospective/existing) tenants/users, BOEi is looking for an experienced facility manager/rental coordinator, also known as a House Manager.

July 8, 2022

Collaboration between ABN AMRO and BOEi  Space for entrepreneurs is scarce and expensive in our country. However, the Central Market Hall in Amsterdam, a national monument dating back to 1934, does offer that space!

June 20, 2022

Open Monuments Class Day at the Central Market Hall  The youth holds the future, and we are happy to contribute by participating in the Open Monuments Class Day.

May 9, 2022

Rotterdam doors find their way to the Central Market Hall  In the spirit of sustainability and the reuse of old materials, around 250 doors from the former Zuiderziekenhuis in Rotterdam have been transported to the Central Market Hall. They will be used to fill existing openings in the façade and for other creative solutions such as flooring or wall covering.

April 8, 2022

Pitching-In Event at the Central Market Hall  During a well-attended evening, three winners were selected at the Pitching-In Event in the Central Market Hall. Amsterdam is home to many creative entrepreneurs, and specifically for them, BOEi organized a competition with the prize of three warehouses in the market hall for a minimum of one year. The winners will also receive financial and practical support in realizing their plans.

February 11, 2022

Sustainable Heating: What’s Possible?  How can we heat the Central Market Hall in Amsterdam in the most sustainable way possible? It's a building with a large surface area and lots of glass, where it's cold in winter and hot in summer.

February 3, 2022

Exotic Scenes in the Central Market Hall  In one of the spaces in the Central Market Hall, there are partition walls adorned with beautiful exotic murals.

January 21, 2022

Documentary about the Transformation of the Central Market Hall  Sandra Poelman, urban developer and director of Glowingplaces, has created a documentary about the transformation of the Central Market Hall. Not only does it showcase the Market Hall itself, but it also highlights the people behind the scenes.

January 4, 2022

Workplace in the Central Market Hall as a Source of Inspiration  Charlotte Kleyn is one of the new tenants of the Central Market Hall and writes about food and its history. Besides writing on this topic, she also has a huge collection of books about food. So much so that her home is bursting at the seams.

December 20, 2021

Packing Center for ‘Corona Visit Packages’ in the Central Market Hall  During the restoration, the Central Market Hall is being actively used for community initiatives. For example, there is a neighborhood meal every Sunday, where those who can afford it pay for people with limited means.

December 7, 2021

New phase for the market hall  The restoration of the monumental Central Market Hall is progressing steadily. After a year of restoration, the north and west facades are nearly complete and ready for a new phase. The east and south facades will be tackled in the coming year. Therefore, in the month of December, the scaffolding will be relocated.

November 1, 2021

Urban Sports Week Amsterdam in the Centrale Markthal  BOEi made Amsterdam's Central Market Hall (1934) available to the organisers of the Urban Sports Week Amsterdam (USWA). The national monument hosted competitions in basketball, freerunning and indoor football (futsal), among others.

October 8, 2021

After 87 years, the Food Center’s Central Market Hall is finally open to everyone  A great article about the Central Market Hall appeared in the Parool of 2 October. Igor Sorko and Koen Vollaers, the organisers of the Market Meal talk about their initiative, the place and their passion.

September 4, 2021

The right time  BOEi has commissioned the restoration for the clocks hanging in Centrale Markthal. Royal Eijsbouts will replace the entire inner workings, which are in very poor condition, for a mechanical system that automatically adjusts summer and winter time.

August 12, 2021

Centrale Markthal open during Open Monumentendag  On Sunday 12 September, the Centrale Markthal will be open to the public! On that day, guided tours will be organised telling about the restoration of this Amsterdam icon.

July 15, 2021

Centrale Markthal back on time  While the clocks in the Centrale Markthal had been standing still for years, since this month they are working again, and on time! The old movement that was in the clocks required a lot of maintenance. And to move the hands, an employee had to go up in a tray to do it manually, a job at a great height. Two such clocks can be found in the hall, facing each other in the northern and southern facade.

April 11, 2021

Building canvas reference to the past  The scaffolding of the Centrale Markthal is adorned with a large construction banner. The banana bunches on the cloth immediately catch the eye, a reference to the Markthal's past.

February 20, 2021

Concrete and concrete rot in the Central Market Hall  Nowadays, concrete is widely used as a reliable building material in the buildings around us. This was not always the case. For example, reinforced concrete has only existed since the early 20th century. In the first applications, there were teething problems.

January 29, 2021

BOEi starts construction on Amsterdam’s largest national monument  BOEi has officially begun construction on Amsterdam's largest national monument: the Centrale Markthal, dating back to 1934. The work is expected to be completed by early 2023. The Centrale Markthal, long considered a hidden gem in the capital, will immediately hold a record: its roof will be equipped with 2,500 square meters of solar panels, generating 400,000 kWh of electricity, making it the largest energy-producing roof in Amsterdam.

November 20, 2020

Start of Restoration of the Centrale Markthal  Observant passersby may have already noticed: the Centrale Markthal has recently been partially covered in scaffolding. Behind those scaffolds, BOEi, the owner of the Centrale Markthal, has started the restoration.

November 19, 2020

BOEi is working on an audio tour for the Centrale Markthal in Amsterdam.  BOEi, the owner of the Centrale Markthal, is developing an audio tour that focuses on the stories of the Centrale Markthal.

November 12, 2019

Guided Tour of the Centrale Markthal  On Friday, November 27th, a virtual guided tour took place at the Centrale Markthal in Amsterdam. Architect Pim Boomgaard and project leader Jeroen Ketting will take you through some of the highlights of this remarkable national monument, which is currently undergoing extensive restoration.